Banana Bread Cake


Non-stick baking spray, for the pan (baking spray has flour mixed in)
8 tablespoons (one stick) salted butter (melted and cooled)
1 cup light brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs (beaten)
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4-5 over ripe bananas, mashed

1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup pecans, chopped
1-2 tablespoons sugar, if you feel it is needed

Turbinado sugar, for covering the top


1)  Preheat the oven to 350F°.  Spray an 8x8 pan with non-stick baking spray or line it with     parchment paper.

2)  In a stand mixer with paddle attachment (or in a large bowl with a hand-held electric mixer), beat together the butter, brown sugar, eggs and vanilla until well blended.  Add the bananas and mix until combined.

3)  In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt.  Add the dry ingredients in to the wet ingredients and beat until just combined.  Add the pecans (if using) and mix until combined.

4)  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly.  If you wish to follow this step, sprinkle the Turbinado sugar over the top.  The author recommends covering the who surface completely with sugar; as much as you like.  This and baking sugars maintain their crystallization and give a pleasant crunch.

5)  Bake until a tester inserted in the center comes out clean, 45 to 50 minutes.  Let the bread cool slightly in it's pan on a rack.  Slice and serve warm with salted butter or cream cheese.

6)  When completely cooled, cover the pan with foil and store at room temperature for up to two days.

Makes eight servings


*  I've made this recipe about four times and it's come out perfectly each time.

*   The recipe calls for an 8x8 pan.  I am going to try it with a bundt pan the next time I make this.  I think as long as the banana isn't in big chunks (which she says you can do) but rather smooth, a bundt pan should work.  I would warn you should leave cakes in bundt pans about a half hour for ease in removing.  I put the pan on a large cooling rack.

*  The recipe calls for salted butter.  You are already using salt in the batter recipe.  I don't think it's needed.  I've always used unsalted butter.

* The recipes says 4-5 bananas.  I've always used five.  I make sure they are fully ripened and I slice them into the mixing bowl before using the hand mixer to get a really smooth batter.  Just a matter of personal preference.  Also, with more banana, I have never felt the need to add extra sugar to the batter.

*  I've always used the chopped pecans, because I am used to making banana bread this way (my mother's recipe which is on this blog.)  It is stated you can also use chocolate chips as a substitute for the nuts.  I'm not sure I would like that combo, but I agree that it would work.

*  I do use the Turbinado sugar over the surface of the batter.  It makes a nice crunch.  I do not use it thickly, although I suppose you could.

*  As an aside, it says the prep time is 15 minutes, cooking is 45-50 minutes.  You might even get buy with 40 minutes depending on how your oven runs.  Let cool 5-10 minutes...or longer.

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